JusProg app for smartphones and tablets with Android operating system

Download and Installation: JusProg-Jugendschutzprogramm im Google Play Store

Stiftung Warentest has rated JusProg for Android and iOS as “good” (9/2020).
– best free product in the test.

The responsible Voluntary Self-Regulation of Multimedia Service Providers e.V. (FSM) has officially recognised the youth protection programme “JusProg for Android” by law according to § 11 JMStV.

JusProg has an app as a youth protection programme especially for smartphones and tablets with Android operating system (from version 5.1). The filter app for children and young people can be used free of charge, it contains no advertising, no in-app purchases, no premium functions and follows a strict privacy policy.

JusProg for Android filters in the operating system (as an internal VPN). The children and young people can continue to surf with their usual browser, such as Google Chrome. The filtering is done according to the age groups from 0, from 6, from 12, from 16. If you have several children who use the same tablet, for example: In the JusProg app for Android, different children’s profiles with different age levels can be set.

Youtube, Google and Bing are automatically switched to SafeMode in the parental control (activated by default in all age levels, but can be switched off individually). Websites unknown to the system can be filtered in real time (on-the-fly filtering OTF), this is preset in the age levels 6 and 12 and can be deactivated/activated per child if necessary. The JusProg child filter for Android also takes into account the provider labels in the formats age-de.xml and age.xml, this can also be set.

To protect the app against uninstallation and circumvention, it is set up as a “device administrator” in the course of installation.

Download and installation: JusProg-Jugendschutzprogramm in Google Play Store

JusProgDNS for Android

Alternatively, you can set up a secure surfing space on your child’s smartphone or tablet with Android operating system using JusProgDNS. You can find more information and step-by-step instructions on how to install JusProgDNS on Android here:

JusProgDNS for Android: https://www.jusprogdns.com/geraete-einrichtung/smartphones-tablets/android/

You can find more information and help here